formula for relieving superficies syndrome with pungent and warm natured drugs
relieving superficies syndrome with pungent and warm natured drugs
formula for relieving superficies syndrome with pungent and cool natrued drugs
resuscitation with pungent and warm-natured drug
Drugs for relieving exterior syndrome
relieving exterior syndrome by diaphoresis
relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion
relieving the exterior syndrome with drugs of pungent and cool nature
relieving the exterior syndrome with drugs pungent in flavor and warm in property
The Method of Relieving the Exterior Syndrome and Heat-reducing
herbs and Syndrome adjust the whole
recipe and syndrome in TCM
treating pseudo-cold syndrome with herbs of cold nature
treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature
clearing heat with pungent and cool-natured drugs
Eliminating high fever with herbs sweet in flavor and warm in property
resolving superficies with pungent and cool natured drugs
soaked d rugs pungent in flavor and warm in property